This website will Guide you from Cheaters,Unwanted Baby,Sorrow,Cries,Tears,Shames,Pains,early dead,bad thinking etc. This site will help you to enjoy your relationship,and your personal lifestyle
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Thursday, July 8, 2010

Custom Search
So you've caught your man lying for the 1000th time this week and you're wishing he'd stop -- or at least get better at it. Because, let's face it, most men suck at lying, which is why women are always complaining about it. At the same time, men seem to lie about really, really stupid things that they needn't bother lying about most of the time -- because we don't actually care.
Men might know this (and other things) if they'd stop lying long enough to find out what happens when they tell the truth. Granted, there are times when women want men to lie; this isn't about whether or not they should do it. This is simply about why they do it. And yes, some of this is tongue-in-cheek. Some of it ain't. I'll let you be the judge of which is which. So here they are, in no particular order: Why Your Man Lies:
He afraid of you.
And can you really blame him? The last time you asked him how you looked in that little black dress (the one you haven't been able to fit into since high school) he said you looked fab. Which is exactly what you wanted him to say. Yet, somehow, he still wound up on the couch for a week because you thought he didn't sound sincere enough when he said it. Just imagine what would have happened if he'd told you how your size 10 bottom really looked in that size 6 dress? I'd probably would have lied to you, too.
2. He actually thinks he's telling the truth.
Remember when he promised to clean the house while you went grocery shopping? The promise that was meant to save you loads of time as you rushed from work to the store in a mad hurry to get dinner ready before your parents arrived for the dinner you'd be planning for ages? When you called him from the checkout lane and he told you the house was sparkling clean -- he actually believed what he was telling you. He actually thought that taking the trash out and spraying some air freshener would do it. So he's not actually lying; he's just that daft.
3. You let him.
Kidding aside, one of the biggest reasons men lie is because they know women expect them to. They do realize that some women won't tolerate lying, but they also know that many will. He figures that you'll eventually get used to it and simply accept it. And many of you do just that. The fool me once rule applies here -- if you let him get away with this multiple times, shame on you.
4. He's insecure.
If you've got a bloke who tells tall tales, you've got an insecure bloke. If your man lies because he's cheating on you, you've got an insecure man. If you... well... you probably get the idea. Where there's a lie, there is often a very tiny man with big issues.
5. He's a prat.
The simplest reason of them all; some men are simply jerks.
The SIX Various Reasons Why Men Lie to Women

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Trust is one important thing to build when you are in a relationship. I’ve ever heard someone said that it takes years to build trust but it only takes minutes to destroy it. Well, one thing to easily destroy trust is lie. Some women (it could be you) say that in a relation, the person who has a big chance to lie is man. Do you know why? Well, let’s find out why men lie to women.
Well, sometimes they don’t see anything wrong with lying. This means that some guys are just liars and that’s what they do best. Evidently, these men don’t see how a lack of trust will undermine any love relationship. But since they’ve never examined the issue, they will continue to lie because it has helped them achieve their short-term objectives in the past.
Maybe for them it is just for fun and say something that isn’t totally true because it is not very important to them. They think that nothing bad will happen if they do it. It’s part of the freedom of doing and saying whatever they want, whenever they want.
This is probably the biggest reason why men lie. They have a fear that by telling the truth the woman will evaluate solely from her point-of-view and not consider his side of the story. Rather than deal with this situation, a guy will often tell what he sees as a “little white lie” in order to avoid setting off a chain-reaction of other unwanted emotions in the woman. However, this also becomes a convenient “excuse” for men that justifies their negative actions and minimizes the “wrong” of lying.
Well, before they lie, they may have a conviction that the woman cannot manage her upsets. If he lives with that woman, then it makes life at home totally miserable. If the relationship is already unstable, this added upset may lead to complete chaos.
They tend to lie to avoid confrontation because some men think that maybe things will change in the future and this will all become a non-issue to the woman. In addition, lying is a selfish way to protecting the liar without considering the other person’s best interests.
In the effort to impress a woman and show a proud front, a man will often exaggerate, distort, or delete certain truths. That’s because the truth about them may not be good enough in the man’s opinion to hold the attention of the woman in a competitive dating world. For example when the others say you are fat, but he tells the opposite when the truth is you are fat. For men, this can safe everything. Once this pattern is established, a man may continue until his lies are discovered.
Lying destroys trust in a relationship and it could be the first reason to destroy a relationship. Both of you should put trust as a foundation of the relation.
What Men Want in Women

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What Men Want in Women
Do men confuse you? Men date bitches, guys don’t talk to you, and they all seem to want sex. Guys are confusing. The male specie is nonsense from a female perspective.
There’s your first barrier that stops you from figuring out what men want in women when dating and in relationships. As long as you try to figure out men through your womanly experiences and understandings, you’ll forever remain confused.
Men differ from women. Before you give me a Nobel Prize for that remarkable statement, understand that women tend to operate from their limiting beliefs in dating and relationships. They apply their reality of chemistry and connection to a man’s reality, forgetting a male’s emotional psychology is completely different to their own.
If you cook, clean, and shop for a man in hope he likes you, you’ll be ineffective at triggering attraction and other important responses men want to feel around women. You wouldn’t feel attracted to a guy who only sat around watching football drinking beer so don’t become the female equivalent.
To figure out what men want in women, put aside your preconceived notions about dating and relationships then listen. Men will also benefit from reading this article because it helps you, if you’re a guy, better understand your desires so you can build better relationships and attract quality women.
A man may only desire sex from you because you focus on physical qualities. When your attractiveness depends on dressing sexy for him and sexual comments, you’re seen as a friend with benefits. You invoke a caveman response from him. This satisfies some women some of the time, but you might want more.
As confusing as it is to women who project their own qualities onto men, physical involvement is unequal to a relationship. A man can be physically involved with a woman and want nothing more. I believe this is what forms the belief that men only want sex. The problem with this belief is it overlooks other areas of attraction men want in women. Physical attraction is simply one part of an intimate relationship.
Nearly all men ultimately want a fulfilling relationship with one woman. A guy may not want this now or in the near future, but ultimately that is what he desires. If he says otherwise, he is usually emotionally immature or yet to meet a great woman.
You may think of attraction as “chemistry”. It’s the energetic charge between two people that evokes an animalistic urge. When you become what men want in women, men feel attracted to you.
Attraction can be temporary, but when you understand its principles and continually refine them (by re-reading this article and purchasing books on the subject), you make attraction long-term that leads to commitment and a satisfying relationship!
You probably know a few women who seem to effortlessly pull men towards them. They easily attract men through their looks or personality. These women understand attraction, even though they probably didn’t learn it from a source like this article.
As I mentioned earlier, there is physical attraction. Men are turned on more than women by visuals. It’s important to dress well, get your hair beautiful, be slightly tanned, show off your figure, and exercise.
Are you not that beautiful? You can still improve it by learning from other women. You may also have an advantage over attractive women!
Guys tend to want women who are attractive, but lack personality, for the short-term. You cannot have a relationship with a body part. Looks is only one piece of the attraction puzzle.
The second type of attraction is intellectual. Intellectual attraction comes from more rational, logical means controllable through words and actions. Think of the bimbo blonde who has a peanut for her brain – that’s the opposite to an intellectually attractive woman. It’s a pain to live with someone unintelligent. An attractive man wants a woman who holds a conversation with almost anyone, talks about his interests, regularly reads books, and teaches him valuable lessons.
The third type of attraction is emotional. If a guy suddenly becomes disinterested in you, a lack of emotional attraction is the problem. A real relationship fails to develop in the absence of emotional attraction. Ways to attract men emotionally involve high status behavior, teasing, playfulness, mystery, and unpredictability.
Deficiency in an area of attraction decreases a man’s interest in you. Intensify all three forms of attraction to hypnotize any man.
Since you can go elsewhere for advice to improve your physical looks, what I’ll teach you in this article on what men want in women builds your intellectual and emotional attraction to start a great relationship and keep it that way. You are discovering the secrets men wish you knew that society will not tell you.
by Joshua Uebergang aka "Tower of Power"
There’s your first barrier that stops you from figuring out what men want in women when dating and in relationships. As long as you try to figure out men through your womanly experiences and understandings, you’ll forever remain confused.
Men differ from women. Before you give me a Nobel Prize for that remarkable statement, understand that women tend to operate from their limiting beliefs in dating and relationships. They apply their reality of chemistry and connection to a man’s reality, forgetting a male’s emotional psychology is completely different to their own.
To figure out what men want in women, put aside your preconceived notions about dating and relationships then listen. Men will also benefit from reading this article because it helps you, if you’re a guy, better understand your desires so you can build better relationships and attract quality women.
Men Want Only Sex
Too many women believe the only thing a man wants in a woman is sex. Men want so much more. Remember what I said earlier about judging from your experiences and perspective?A man may only desire sex from you because you focus on physical qualities. When your attractiveness depends on dressing sexy for him and sexual comments, you’re seen as a friend with benefits. You invoke a caveman response from him. This satisfies some women some of the time, but you might want more.
“Physical attraction is just one part!”
Many men (or should I say boys?) have yet to evolve on an emotional level. They seek only physical attraction because their emotions are blocked. They don’t know how to connect at an emotional level. Imagine putting on a pair of green glasses. It doesn’t matter what colors exist, everything is seen green. A person’s lack of emotional development blinds him from that level of awareness.As confusing as it is to women who project their own qualities onto men, physical involvement is unequal to a relationship. A man can be physically involved with a woman and want nothing more. I believe this is what forms the belief that men only want sex. The problem with this belief is it overlooks other areas of attraction men want in women. Physical attraction is simply one part of an intimate relationship.
Nearly all men ultimately want a fulfilling relationship with one woman. A guy may not want this now or in the near future, but ultimately that is what he desires. If he says otherwise, he is usually emotionally immature or yet to meet a great woman.
The Secret is Attraction
Every man wants to feel significant, important, desired, and sexy. There’s a broad array of characteristics great men want in women that lead to one experience. The secret feeling a man wants to have around you is one of attraction.You may think of attraction as “chemistry”. It’s the energetic charge between two people that evokes an animalistic urge. When you become what men want in women, men feel attracted to you.
Attraction can be temporary, but when you understand its principles and continually refine them (by re-reading this article and purchasing books on the subject), you make attraction long-term that leads to commitment and a satisfying relationship!
You probably know a few women who seem to effortlessly pull men towards them. They easily attract men through their looks or personality. These women understand attraction, even though they probably didn’t learn it from a source like this article.
Three Types of Attraction
Men can be attracted to you in three primary areas. We crave for all three in a partner.As I mentioned earlier, there is physical attraction. Men are turned on more than women by visuals. It’s important to dress well, get your hair beautiful, be slightly tanned, show off your figure, and exercise.
Are you not that beautiful? You can still improve it by learning from other women. You may also have an advantage over attractive women!
“Feeling insecure about your looks is a bigger turn off than looks itself.”
Beautiful women tend to identify with their looks and become insecure. Feeling insecure about your looks is a bigger turn off than looks itself. Attractive women, in general, go through life easier than less attractive women so they have yet to develop the two other areas of attraction that lead to satisfying relationshipsGuys tend to want women who are attractive, but lack personality, for the short-term. You cannot have a relationship with a body part. Looks is only one piece of the attraction puzzle.
The second type of attraction is intellectual. Intellectual attraction comes from more rational, logical means controllable through words and actions. Think of the bimbo blonde who has a peanut for her brain – that’s the opposite to an intellectually attractive woman. It’s a pain to live with someone unintelligent. An attractive man wants a woman who holds a conversation with almost anyone, talks about his interests, regularly reads books, and teaches him valuable lessons.
Deficiency in an area of attraction decreases a man’s interest in you. Intensify all three forms of attraction to hypnotize any man.
Since you can go elsewhere for advice to improve your physical looks, what I’ll teach you in this article on what men want in women builds your intellectual and emotional attraction to start a great relationship and keep it that way. You are discovering the secrets men wish you knew that society will not tell you.
by Joshua Uebergang aka "Tower of Power"
47 Things Every Woman Must Know About Men,why they lie

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Most women learn about men, love, sex and relationships the hard way. They walk down the highly traveled, worn out path of emotional scars, broken hearts, abuse, confusion, anger and sleepless nights. When it comes to learning the hard way, you can get to know a great deal about men, love, sex and relationships, but most women who have traveled that path will tell you, “The price is too high and the consequences and lingering effects are way to painful!” Smart women understand this irrefutable truth.
They know there is an easier less complicated way to obtain the vital information they need to know about the opposite sex. Ladies, these 40 nuggets of wisdom and sage advice will help set you on the right path to finding and experiencing true love. Share these life-saving truths with every woman you know. They will forever thank you!
1. There are two types of males: Dishonorable males and honorable men. Don’t date or marry until you know how to tell the difference between the two! The woman in the mirror will graciously thank you.
2. Honorable men are protectors. They will guard your heart, protect your emotions, defend your honor and stand as champions for your spiritual, mental and physical well-being; choose an honorable man and choose life!
3. You are not a car; if you meet a man who wants to test drive your physical body, emotions and feelings, point him to a car dealership, bid him adieu and don’t look back!
4. This is a true saying: “The soul of a woman is fragile.” Please note: dishonorable males refuse to respect this crucial truth. They will toy with a woman’s emotions without any semblance of concern or compassion. Therefore YOU must guard your heart from these cold-hearted males with all diligence.
5. Good men need to be treated like good men, dishonorable males, need to be let go and left alone!
6. OK ladies; you’ve met this great guy, but he’s got a child or children for which he does not take care of, provide for or see to. Follow these instructions to the letter: urgently send him back to the mother(s) of his child(ren) and don’t look back. Don’t make the same mistake the mother(s) of his child(ren) did!
7. Dishonorable males treat sex as a sport, females as trophies and children they sire as wastepaper. Never allow yourself to become their next score, mantle piece or sperm repository.
8. Women who hold grudges, seek vengeance, cling to bitterness and are unwilling to forgive, unwittingly break their own hearts!
9. Choose the wrong mate and you might as well have laid next to a boa constrictor or grabbed the ears of a raging mad pit bull. A smart woman learns how to choose her mate wisely!
10. Heed the sage advice of some caring brothers and honorable men. If he doesn’t fit - don’t force him, just relax and let him go. Destiny is on your side… TRUE LOVE will find you!
11. Momma’s boys belong with only one type of woman; their moms! Ladies, these mothers and their sons will never cut their grotesque umbilical cord. Therefore, for your sake, leave them alone and just let them trot home to their mommies.
12. Self-love: if you don’t have it, pull yourself off the market. Make no mistake about it, if you don’t love yourself, NO MAN can ever love you… no matter how great a man he is.
13. Don’t judge ALL men by one man’s actions; unless you want ALL men to judge you based on the acts of amoral women.
14. Most women learn how to choose a mate the hard way; they go through a gut wrenching string of emotionally detached males, jerks, pimps, thugs and players. Don’t become one of those heart broken and bitter women! Learn how to properly choose a mate before it’s too late! The woman in the mirror will graciously thank you.
15. You wondering, “If I move in with him, is he going to marry me?” Answer: “Not likely!” Don’t believe it, take these two critical tests: (a). Ask any honorable man! And, (b). Examine the ever-growing list of disillusioned women who are begrudgingly waiting for their non-committal live-in lovers to pop the big question.
16. Do you keep attracting men who are dogs? Check the scent you’re putting out. Men who are dogs are attracted by scent!
17. You are not a man! Therefore, you will never be: a role model for men, a father figure, a man’s mentor or a man’s coach. If a man has lacked proper male leadership in his life, kindly send him on his way. Know for a certainty; he is not prepared for the responsibilities that come with love, sex, relationship and marriage.
18. If you don’t know what a misogynistic man is, take this time to check your dictionary. For your sake, sanity and safety, avoid these treacherous males at all costs.
19. Don’t ever delude yourself! Your beauty, fine body, sexual prowess, cooking skills, femininity and vibrant personality will never be enough to change a man, NEVER!
20. If your potential mate does such things as: promises to call you but doesn’t, makes dates and breaks them, shows up late or plays games with your emotions; take notes ladies... those are clear cut warning signs that he DOES NOT value you, he DOES NOT love you and he DOES NOT care about you!
21. Angry, bitter, hostile, combative, unforgiving single women, become: angry, bitter, hostile and combative, unforgiving wives.
22. A fundamental understanding and respect of the male ego is a must for all women who want a vibrant and healthy love; DO NOT obtain this crucial information from dishonorable males or from angry bitter women.
23. If you choose to be with dishonorable males, pimps, players, thugs, ballers and shot callers, you have absolutely no right to complain when they torch your emotions, abuse you, leave you pregnant and alone, jeopardize your safety and otherwise harm or hurt you. Remember, you have freedom of choice and you chose to be with them!
24. When a man is trying to find himself, kindly bid him adieu… PERMANENTLY! He can find you, but can’t find himself? He shouldn’t be looking for love… he should be searching for the map to Mastering Manhood!
25. OK; he wants or is demanding sex but you are not his wife. Write this down: There is no need to wonder, debate or contemplate: he DOES NOT honor or respect you!
26. Spoiled women are like spoiled milk, spoiled meat, spoiled fruit spoiled bread and spoiled brats. Get the picture? Don’t become a spoiled woman!
27. Expecting a dishonorable male to do the honorable thing is like expecting piranhas not to devour you if you make the mistake of diving into their water.
28. You’ve asked these questions, “Why doesn’t he call me more often? Why doesn’t he pursue me more diligently and why doesn’t he show me that he loves me?” Answer; he’s not into you! If you don’t let him go and move on with your life, you will allow him to hinder or block your true love from finding you!
29. All men ARE NOT dogs! Don’t believe, repeat or perpetuate that rampant lie! You will hamper your ability to see and discern the good men who cross your path!
30. Some males like to hit women. It gives them a sense of power and control. If you give yourself to one of these abusive males, most assuredly you will become a punching bag and a floor mat. It is critical that you learn how to detect and avoid these cretins!
31. Promiscuous immoral women are not worthy of an honorable man. They never have been and they never will be.
32. Never allow emotionally embittered women to influence you concerning the male gender. If you do, their hatred and unforgiveness will become yours. Soon you will find yourself suspicious, indignant and angry at all men.
33. You were not designed, built or destined for abuse, whether: emotionally, physically or financially. If he is an abuser, there is no need to deliberate… he IS NOT the one; leave him now!
34. Some women live their lives vicariously through the women on “Girlfriends, Sex In The City and Desperate Housewives.” Don’t become one of these women. If you do, you will make a literal mess of your life, emotions, physical body and well-being.
35. When a man truly loves you, he will honor and respect you. If he doesn't… don’t deceive yourself and don’t allow him to defraud you; he DOES NOT love OR care about you!
36. Everyone has skeletons in their closet? Wrong! Not everyone has skeletons in their closet. Don’t start putting any in yours!
37. There is a vast difference between sex and love. Most men know the difference and you had better learn it fast! If you fail or refuse to do so, you are surely headed for relationship or marital crash and burn.
38. Don’t deceive yourself, once you have sex with a man who is not your husband… he may never admit it, but he has lost a degree of respect for you. Don’t believe it? Ask any honorable man or virtuous woman.
39. The dismal cycle of breaking up and making up only works out in the romance novels, television shows and movies. If you are riding that emotional roller coaster get off right now! Your heart, mind and soul will forever thank you.
40. Nothing is more beautiful, captivating, attractive and sensual than a woman with a gentle and peaceable spirit!
Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Custom Search
Why Men Cheat? Do Women allow men to cheat?
Well according to the acclaimed bad boy himself, he says that its because woman allow men to cheat, not that they promote it but they allow it to happen. Because they are too comfortable with the relationship or they are too caught up to let the cheater go.
Other reasons mentioned were that the ratio of woman to men is so high that its hard for a red blooded male not to be tempted.
What Some are saying about a cheating spouse
ome say its because the girlfriend, wife or significant other is slacking at home, either not giving her mate the attention he needs or that the wife or girlfried are not willing to be open-minded enough to be more adventurous in the sheets.
I have heard that it was not something the guy planned to happen, it just happened, like a accident.. one thing lead to another.
What about The Other Woman
The Other woman that he cheats with have said that it was because the man needed someone to listen to him and understand the pressure he is under at work and how important it is for the woman in his life to be more understanding.
Do you agree that it has been argued that some woman make it unpleasant for a man to be himself, either she is too critical, demanding, nagging, always in a bad mood, makes him feel like she is alway disappointed in everything he tries to do for her.
Men Cheat Because they Can
Why do you think men cheat?
Do Men cheat when the thrill is gone
Some say its because the thrill is gone, that what once started out as a heated fire has turned into cold ice. No more spark or excitement.
Boredom has been one reason men cheat. The same thing, in the same way, all the time became to routine and no longer interesting.
Control has been another issue, some woman say they take care of their man giving him attention, and trying to keep him happy while she works many hours at the office or going to school to better herself. Some men feel that if the woman is too independent she does not need him and so he cheats with a woman who is less experienced and less accomplished in her life.
What do men really want?
All in all it comes down to getting his groove on.. no talking, no planning, no hassle. Just getting it when he wants it and how he likes it ...period.
I would have to say if you really want to know why a man cheats. Please read the book by Michael Baisden called Never Satisfied.. It will open your eyes thats for sure.
These are the necessary tips to follow to have the love you want
- How to Survive Cheating Discover
- How to Heal From the Pain and Recover From the Heart Break,
- Is He Cheating On You? Make Him Stop Cheating Today
- Catch Him and Keep Him Forever.
- 10 Signs of a Cheater See if Your Partner Shows any signs of being a Cheater. Fee Quiz
- Why Men Cheat - Tips Learn The "Secret Psychology" To Getting A Man Hooked For Good.
- The Truth About Men Make Men Notice You, Fall In Love & Commit - A Real Man Shows You How
- Why Men Cheat Tired of Men's Mind Games? Learn to Understand How Men Think!
- Why Men Cheat Common Reason Why Men Cheat.
- Unfaithful Spouse? Free tips, information, and advice about infidelity and cheating.
These are some of the many subjects covered on the topic of cheating, you decide.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Custom Search
This is the most powerful monitoring tool to give your partner, children, employee, business associate, friend etc.. or whoever you wish to monitor. This spy phone software uses a highly advanced and intelligent program that works in its own environment to offer the very best mobile phone surveillance on the market. The ALL-in-ONE spy software works in any country with any GSM network operator and supports all languages.
Our new feature for the Full Suite now includes a Remote Control Management Tool which means that once the software has been initially installed you never need touch the target phone again. Any code words, symbols or characters you specify can be used to remotely activate and de-activate (by sending hidden SMS command to the target phone) any or all of the features and change the pre-defined number on your command. All SMS commands that will be sent to the target phone will not be visible, thus ensuring that the software is completely stealth.
SpyPhone Suite Overview :
* Receive both incoming and outgoing text messages
* Dial in and listen to surrounding vicinity
* Immediate text notifications when the target phone is switched on
* Time and date stamping
* Immediate text notifications when the target phone receives an incoming call
* Text notification shows landline, mobile or international number calling in
* Immediate text notifications when the target phone dials an outgoing call
* Text notification shows landline, mobile or international number being called
* Dial in and intercept BOTH sides of target phone conversations
* Covers all GSM coverage
* Change pre-defined number on SMS command
* Change stealth mode on SMS command
* Remote activation and de-activation of Spyphone feature on SMS command
* Remote activation and de-activation of Call Conferencing feature on SMS command
* Remote activation and de-activation of Text Interception feature on SMS command
* Remote activation and de-activation of Boot/SIM change feature on SMS command
* Remote activation and de-activation of text notifications on SMS command
* Remote SMS command to reboot target phone
* Remote SMS command to completely uninstall spy software
* No logging of forwarded texts
* No logging of pre-defined number
* Intelligent auto delete feature
* Completely hidden software
* Bullet proof reliability, 100% undetectable
* Future proof technology
This is the most powerful monitoring tool to give your partner, children, employee, business associate, friend etc.. or whoever you wish to monitor. This spy phone software uses a highly advanced and intelligent program that works in its own environment to offer the very best mobile phone surveillance on the market. The ALL-in-ONE spy software works in any country with any GSM network operator and supports all languages.
Our new feature for the Full Suite now includes a Remote Control Management Tool which means that once the software has been initially installed you never need touch the target phone again. Any code words, symbols or characters you specify can be used to remotely activate and de-activate (by sending hidden SMS command to the target phone) any or all of the features and change the pre-defined number on your command. All SMS commands that will be sent to the target phone will not be visible, thus ensuring that the software is completely stealth.
SpyPhone Suite Overview :
* Receive both incoming and outgoing text messages
* Dial in and listen to surrounding vicinity
* Immediate text notifications when the target phone is switched on
* Time and date stamping
* Immediate text notifications when the target phone receives an incoming call
* Text notification shows landline, mobile or international number calling in
* Immediate text notifications when the target phone dials an outgoing call
* Text notification shows landline, mobile or international number being called
* Dial in and intercept BOTH sides of target phone conversations
* Covers all GSM coverage
* Change pre-defined number on SMS command
* Change stealth mode on SMS command
* Remote activation and de-activation of Spyphone feature on SMS command
* Remote activation and de-activation of Call Conferencing feature on SMS command
* Remote activation and de-activation of Text Interception feature on SMS command
* Remote activation and de-activation of Boot/SIM change feature on SMS command
* Remote activation and de-activation of text notifications on SMS command
* Remote SMS command to reboot target phone
* Remote SMS command to completely uninstall spy software
* No logging of forwarded texts
* No logging of pre-defined number
* Intelligent auto delete feature
* Completely hidden software
* Bullet proof reliability, 100% undetectable
* Future proof technology

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1. What is it?
In astrology, a planet is said to be retrograde when it apparently reverses its usual counter-clockwise direction and moves backwards. This is what can be observed if one gazes into the sky through a telescope placed on our planet Earth. All planets seem to retrograde at some point of their cycle, except the Sun and the Moon, who are not planets but luminaries. Outer planets are in the retrograde mode roughly 40% of the time, more than inner planets. Mercury is retrograde approximately during three weeks every four months and Venus, during approximately forty-two days every twenty months.
In fact, planets do not move backwards. Retrogradation is a visual, yet normal phenomenon, which is part of the planet's cycle as it orbits the Sun. Retrogradation is caused by the difference of speed between a given planet and the Earth. It can be observed from the Earth when the said planet slows down to the extent that its speed is slower than the Earth's.
We do not want to get you lost in complex astronomical details since our website is astrology-oriented. We kindly advise those among our valued readers who are interested in astrophysics to visit one of the good existing astronomy websites displaying animated graphics in order to visualise and understand the retrogradation mechanism.
As far as we are concerned, we invite you to imagine that you are travelling in a train. As you look through the window, you can see that the train is moving forward. Then, another train running in the same direction, but at higher speed, overtakes your train. For a couple of seconds, you have the impression that you are moving backwards although it is not true at all. In a nutshell, this is what is happening when, viewed from the Earth, a planet is apparently in the retrograde motion, i.e. clockwise.
2. When and Where
In this column, we address Venus' 2009 retrogradation. You may read on basic astrology websites, or in your favourite magazine, that Venus will be retrograde from 6 March to 17 April. Although it is technically correct, we wish to draw your attention to the fact that, as important as it is, the retrograde motion is only one phase of the whole phenomenon, and that the phases called "shadow zones" must be reckoned with, if you are to get a good grasp of retrogradations and to interpret them properly.
For this purpose, we deem it helpful to delineate the different stages of the phenomenon and to provide you with the dates of its main phases. Please bear in mind that the days below should be read as a sort of climax point, and that their influences may start a couple of days before and after the reference point.
- 2 February 2009 : 29° Pisces
- SR 6 March 2009 : 15°26 Aries Station Retrograde
- SD 17 April 2009 : 29°12' Pisces Station Direct
- 21 May 2009 : 15°26' Aries
On 2 February, Venus transits Pisces at 29° in direct motion. This is the beginning of the pre-shadow zone, which extends to 15°26' Aries.
On 6 March, around 5:00 p.m , as Venus slowly reaches 15°26' Aries, she stands still for roughly one day (this is called her "station retrograde") and turns into retrograde motion until
17 April, around 7:30 p.m., when she reaches 29°12' Pisces. She stands still once more (her "station direct") and turns into direct motion. Note that this is the degree which she transited on 2 February. This is the beginning of the post-shadow zone.
On 21 May, Venus crosses 15°26' Aries again, the place where she stationed retrograde on 6 March. This time, she is in her usual direct motion. This transit marks the end of the post-shadow zone and the completion of the retrogradation cycle.
3. What does it mean?
During this particular period of Venus' cycle, everything the planet stands for tends to play out inwardly and affect psychological states. Therefore, expect matters related to the five senses, financial and material possessions, love, fertility in the literal and figurative senses, harmony and justice, aesthetics, relationships, and negotiations to be at the core of your thoughts. You may not enjoy socialising as much as usual.
You prefer to withdraw in some kind of retreat and concentrate on in-depth introspective work in order to discover the real meaning of your daily interpersonal exchanges. The other possibilities are that you are blessed with extraordinary inspiration, or on the contrary, you feel that your creativity is totally drained, strangely enough. In any case, after the cycle is completed, more often than not, you realise that the principle of evolution inherent to Venus retrogradations has worked. You are empowered and you find it easier to influence your world.
4. Who Is Concerned and How?
In astrology, a sensitive point is the spot of your chart where the Sun, the Moon, a cluster of planets, the Ascendant or the Midheaven axes are found. The four following groups of persons are very likely to powerfully feel the influence of this retrogradation:
- people with sensitive points at 29° of mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces),
- people with sensitive points between 0° and 15° of cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn),
- people with natal Taurus or Libra highlighted,
- people having natal Venus as part of their planetary dominant.
People with sensitive points at 29°Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, Capricorn, or between 0°-15° Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius, and Aquarius, are very favoured. However, since they receive only soft aspects from Venus, there are not enough tension and stress to prompt them to take action. As a consequence, they may miss good opportunities for personal growth.
For all other people, the retrogradation will go more or less unnoticed. Please note that we are analysing exclusively the transits of Venus. Transits by other planets occurring within the timeframe indicated above may bring about concrete events and/or psychological developments which do not fit our description.
5. Do's and Don'ts
Since Venus is mighty in Pisces, the sign of her exaltation, she is unlikely to wreak havoc in the affairs of the houses that her retrogradation activates. Nevertheless, her station direct at 29° Pisces, an anaretic degree (the 29th degree of all signs) often deemed to be crisis-oriented, warns that indecisiveness may be an issue. To offset possible setbacks, it is advisable to keep all your lines of communication open, to tap into your analytical skills, and to avoid fuzzy situations. You must also pay high attention to details and concentrate on the matters ruled by the houses involved.
In Aries, Venus is in the sign of her detriment, and according to the Tradition, she is inefficient since she is unable to express her qualities. Modern astrologers disagree with this ancient interpretation and argue that the powers of Venus in Aries are nothing close to weak since they take on the fiery, pioneering, swift, and impulsive nature of the sign. Suffice it to say that Arian energies counterbalance the possible laziness of Venus and, provided that you accept to exercise some patience and thoughtfulness, you can fare successfully throughout Venus' retrogradation cycle.
Do not hesitate to exploit the tools Venus is lending you. Charm, softness, love, financial matters, on the one hand, and relationships, partnerships, harmony, fairness, legal affairs, on the other hand, are the trump cards you should take full advantage of. Indeed, they may open the path to entirely new opportunities.
6. Natal Venus Retro
Numerous astrologers have observed that people having Venus retrograde in the natal chart feel more comfortable during the planet's whole retrogradation cycle. Whereas people with a natal direct Venus may undergo difficulties in the fields ruled by Venus (see above), people with a natal Venus retrograde are very likely to fare much better and to benefit more from the period.
7. Additional Clue
In 2001, Venus' retrogradation involved a segment of the Zodiac which is quite the same as in 2009. To get a more precise idea of what the 2009 retrogradation may bring about, try to recall the important events which occurred between early February and late May 2001. You are most likely to experience a similar type of events, though in a quite different context.
Monday, July 5, 2010

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So you want to know how to conceive twins, naturally? Babies are a joy, and twins are twice the fun, at least according to many twin parents and twin siblings. For parents who have always wanted to know how to have twins, here are a few things you can do to increase the odds, naturally. While many things are out of your control (such as twins running in your family) there are other aspects you can influence. Even if you're simply curious about factors that increase the likelihood of having multiples, without fertility drugs, read on. Here are some tips on how to conceive twins naturally.
Step 1
Fertility Awareness
Learn Fertility Awareness and how to monitor the female cycle to pinpoint the optimal time for intercourse. Having sex at the fertile time of the cycle is necessary to learn how to conceive twins (or even one baby).
Step 2
Folic acid
Take folic acid daily. Folic acid is important for any healthy pregnancy, and it has also been shown to increase the likelihood of conceiving twins--an additional one woman out of 176 taking folic acid will bear twins, as compared to women not taking the supplement. If you want to have twins, start taking folic acid at least one month before conception.
Step 3
Cassava Root (BUT YAM IS THE BEST)
Eat cassava root, a type of wild yam found in Africa. In a region in Africa where cassava is a staple of the local diet, women have the highest rate of twins found anywhere in the world. Many nutrition researches agree that eating this yam increases ovulation.
Step 4
Drink milk
Drink milk and eat beef to increase the odds of having twins. According to Dr Gary Steinman, lead scientist in a medical study of twins, women who have a milk-based diet are more likely to conceive twins naturally than their vegan counterparts. It is thought that natural properties in milk may stimulate the ovaries, encouraging the production of multiple eggs for conception.
Step 5
Keep nursing your infant or toddler while you try to conceive twins naturally. According to one study, women who are still breastfeeding and yet fertile are slightly more likely to produce twins.
Step 6
Gain a little weight. Women with slightly higher fat percentages and those who are a little overweight are more likely to have twins. Don't overdo it, however--your health is especially important during pregnancy.
Step 7
Fraternal Twins
Have a family history of fraternal twins. This one is out of your control, but if the mother has fraternal twins in her family, she is more likely to have twins of her own. You can quite possibly conceive twins (or improve your chances) without a family history, but it helps.
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