
Friday, July 2, 2010


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Congratulations - you've made the first step to achieving something you've always wanted - to attract men. All that time lying awake wondering when - if - you'll ever meet that guy who can bring that added spark to your life. But deep down you know it will be so difficult because you don't know how to do it. You leave it up to men to make the first move. If only you knew how to make that first move and have it prove successful 100% of the time...

Imagine going through life, thinking about what life would be like if you just worked up the confidence to make the first move on that one guy you were always so into but just too afraid to do anything about. We don't want anyone going through life wondering "What if?" All it takes is that little bit of confidence and you'll never look back on your life wishing you'd done something about that guy. But to muster up that courage you need to truly believe that you can have any guy you want, and the best way to build that confidence is to do just that - have any guy you want.
Attracting men is easier said that done, right? WRONG.
Using these proven techniques you'll literally become a guy magnet overnight. Sometimes it's as simple as smiling, sometimes saying the right thing. Sometimes a combination of these. One thing it is not, however, is difficult to master. If you can read this text you can master just a few simple techniques that will make you the envy of absolutely every one of your girlfriends. Sick of hearing about how your friends are the ones always meeting up and dating new guys? Not anymore. You're about to become the leader of the pack - the "It" girl.

Think about this - not only will you become amazingly attractive to men, but all your girlfriends will want to hang out with you all the time because they'll know you're the one who can get the guys. 
Your popularity will literally skyrocket!!! And the best part about all of this is that you'll never have to change who you are - you'll be staying true to yourself and not trying to become someone you're not. All you'll be doing is making some minor changes to the way you react in social situations. It's so simple you'll kick yourself for not trying it earlier!

Now we know what some of you are thinking: "But I'm not attractive enough for men to be constantly interested in me". This is where you're wrong:
1. First of all, you're much more physically attractive than you think you are, and
2. Looks don't matter when you use the simple, proven techniques we recommend

Sure, if you're just sitting around at a table in a bar or a nightclub and not saying anything, looks are about the only thing men can assess you on. But the second you make eye contact, or brush your hair back in a certain way, or smile, or even say something - everything changes. Looks all of a sudden take a back seat to who you are and what you're about to do. The guy becomes aware that you may be interested in him, and this is more powerful than any physical appearance any girl could ever possess.

"If you want to know how to attract men, one of the best things you can do for yourself is realize that guys love it when girls give them attention."

It strokes their ego - it provides them with a deep-seeded pride they're constantly looking to fulfill. Why not play that for a little while just to gain their interest - and once you have their interest, all you need to do is use a few more of our strategies and they become nothing more than putty in your clever, sexy little hands.

It sounds so simple, doesn't it? Believe us when we say you will regret not coming to us earlier - all those opportunities you could have used these techniques instead of sitting, waiting for that special guy to come up and make the first move. And we know how valuable your time is - who has the time to wait patiently, night in and night out for the random chance that a guy will bump into you on the subway or make conversation at the coffee place on the corner? Nobody can afford to let time and opportunity pass them by while not taking advantage of both.

We always hear about great women like yourself with fantastic personalities waiting for Mr. Right to come along and sweep them off their feet. The next thing you know, 5 years have passed and the same women are still waiting for Mr. Right, but getting so anxious because they feel they are past their prime dating years, and are just about ready to give up on dating altogether. If only they had come to us earlier they would have seen how easy it really is to attract men - any man - that they...YOU....want. If you truly want to achieve happiness through love and companionship, don't wait any longer. Take advantage of what we can do for you.

Do you know what the #1 reason is why women are afraid to make the first move? Here's a hint: it's the same reason men are afraid to make a move on a woman. The answer is a fear of rejection. Next time you find yourself in a situation where you're attracted to a guy you see, ask yourself why you're not doing anything about it. Chances are it's out of fear. Fear of rejection. But dig a little deeper - now that you know a man's attraction towards a woman increases exponentially when she makes the first move - you can no longer fear rejection out of a lack of interest.
When you make the first move - any sort of move - your sex appeal skyrockets.
If you play the percentages, the only practical way rejection could occur would be because he's already taken. And what guy doesn't want to feel wanted even if he is with someone else? What could it hurt to just flash a smile or say a simple "Hi" to someone you're attracted to? Who knows, maybe he's at the tail end of a relationship and you could be setting yourself up for something great!

Now, let us ask you this: Are you sick of having dirty, creepy men approach you instead of the dreamy, successful ones? Many of us are. The best way to avoid the creepy men and attract the cute ones is to be proactive about it and take the step to fulfill your desires.
Don't be the girl to sit and wait for things to happen for you.
Don't be the girl to watch your friends meet all the good looking, great guys.
Don't be the girl to let life pass you by and regret what hadn't done.
Don't be the girl who doesn't take the next step to becoming irresistible!