Why Men Cheat? Do Women allow men to cheat?
Well according to the acclaimed bad boy himself, he says that its because woman allow men to cheat, not that they promote it but they allow it to happen. Because they are too comfortable with the relationship or they are too caught up to let the cheater go.
Other reasons mentioned were that the ratio of woman to men is so high that its hard for a red blooded male not to be tempted.
What Some are saying about a cheating spouse
ome say its because the girlfriend, wife or significant other is slacking at home, either not giving her mate the attention he needs or that the wife or girlfried are not willing to be open-minded enough to be more adventurous in the sheets.
I have heard that it was not something the guy planned to happen, it just happened, like a accident.. one thing lead to another.
What about The Other Woman
The Other woman that he cheats with have said that it was because the man needed someone to listen to him and understand the pressure he is under at work and how important it is for the woman in his life to be more understanding.
Do you agree that it has been argued that some woman make it unpleasant for a man to be himself, either she is too critical, demanding, nagging, always in a bad mood, makes him feel like she is alway disappointed in everything he tries to do for her.
Men Cheat Because they Can
Why do you think men cheat?
Do Men cheat when the thrill is gone
Some say its because the thrill is gone, that what once started out as a heated fire has turned into cold ice. No more spark or excitement.
Boredom has been one reason men cheat. The same thing, in the same way, all the time became to routine and no longer interesting.
Control has been another issue, some woman say they take care of their man giving him attention, and trying to keep him happy while she works many hours at the office or going to school to better herself. Some men feel that if the woman is too independent she does not need him and so he cheats with a woman who is less experienced and less accomplished in her life.
What do men really want?
All in all it comes down to getting his groove on.. no talking, no planning, no hassle. Just getting it when he wants it and how he likes it ...period.
I would have to say if you really want to know why a man cheats. Please read the book by Michael Baisden called Never Satisfied.. It will open your eyes thats for sure.
These are the necessary tips to follow to have the love you want
- How to Survive Cheating Discover
- How to Heal From the Pain and Recover From the Heart Break,
- Is He Cheating On You? Make Him Stop Cheating Today
- Catch Him and Keep Him Forever.
- 10 Signs of a Cheater See if Your Partner Shows any signs of being a Cheater. Fee Quiz
- Why Men Cheat - Tips Learn The "Secret Psychology" To Getting A Man Hooked For Good.
- The Truth About Men Make Men Notice You, Fall In Love & Commit - A Real Man Shows You How
- Why Men Cheat Tired of Men's Mind Games? Learn to Understand How Men Think!
- Why Men Cheat Common Reason Why Men Cheat.
- Unfaithful Spouse? Free tips, information, and advice about infidelity and cheating.
These are some of the many subjects covered on the topic of cheating, you decide.