
Monday, July 5, 2010


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  • How to Have Twins Naturally
    How to Have Twins Naturally
    So you want to know how to conceive twins, naturally? Babies are a joy, and twins are twice the fun, at least according to many twin parents and twin siblings. For parents who have always wanted to know how to have twins, here are a few things you can do to increase the odds, naturally. While many things are out of your control (such as twins running in your family) there are other aspects you can influence. Even if you're simply curious about factors that increase the likelihood of having multiples, without fertility drugs, read on. Here are some tips on how to conceive twins naturally.

    Step 1
    Fertility Awareness
    Fertility Awareness
    Learn Fertility Awareness and how to monitor the female cycle to pinpoint the optimal time for intercourse. Having sex at the fertile time of the cycle is necessary to learn how to conceive twins (or even one baby).

  • Step 2
    Folic acid
    Folic acid
    Take folic acid daily. Folic acid is important for any healthy pregnancy, and it has also been shown to increase the likelihood of conceiving twins--an additional one woman out of 176 taking folic acid will bear twins, as compared to women not taking the supplement. If you want to have twins, start taking folic acid at least one month before conception.

  • Step 3
    Cassava Root
    Cassava Root (BUT YAM IS THE BEST)
    Eat cassava root, a type of wild yam found in Africa. In a region in Africa where cassava is a staple of the local diet, women have the highest rate of twins found anywhere in the world. Many nutrition researches agree that eating this yam increases ovulation.

  • Step 4
    Drink milk
    Drink milk
    Drink milk and eat beef to increase the odds of having twins. According to Dr Gary Steinman, lead scientist in a medical study of twins, women who have a milk-based diet are more likely to conceive twins naturally than their vegan counterparts. It is thought that natural properties in milk may stimulate the ovaries, encouraging the production of multiple eggs for conception.

  • Step 5
    Keep nursing your infant or toddler while you try to conceive twins naturally. According to one study, women who are still breastfeeding and yet fertile are slightly more likely to produce twins.

  • Step 6
    Gain a little weight. Women with slightly higher fat percentages and those who are a little overweight are more likely to have twins. Don't overdo it, however--your health is especially important during pregnancy.

  • Step 7
    Fraternal Twins
    Fraternal Twins
    Have a family history of fraternal twins. This one is out of your control, but if the mother has fraternal twins in her family, she is more likely to have twins of her own. You can quite possibly conceive twins (or improve your chances) without a family history, but it helps.