Possible advantages as I see it:
1. Some people might be understanding and sympathetic, that might help you.
2. They might not see it as as big a deal as you think, and you might come to see it as less big a deal yourself in time.
3. You might feel better just for getting it out in the open.
Possible disadvantages:
1. Some people might use it as ammunition against you later. I've had this happen from someone who was absolutely the last person I expected it from
2. Some women actually will take advantage of inexperienced men. You might think it would never happen, or even think "I wish!", but it does happen and it's not a nice thing to go through even if you are desperate.
3. Even if most people take it well you might still feel paranoid about what they might do with that knowledge in the future.
I hardly tell anyone in real life this stuff anymore... even the woman I've been going out with barely knows anything about my past or my problems and I don't plan on revealing much more. I think I feel safer that way:
Good things about being a virgin
1. Not increasing the huge overpopulation
2. Less dieseases
3. Don't have to spend money on birth control/contraceptives
4. Coveted by all men as a rare delicacy
5 Don't have a horrible memory of loosing your virginiy when drunk at 16
2. Less dieseases
3. Don't have to spend money on birth control/contraceptives
4. Coveted by all men as a rare delicacy
5 Don't have a horrible memory of loosing your virginiy when drunk at 16