
Friday, July 2, 2010


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Some intermediate infections are caused by micro organisms that are a sort of cross between a bacterium and a virus. Chlamydia is the most common, it's virtually always sexually transmitted. Bacterial infections can be triggered by various kinds of bacteria most common is "heamophilus vaginalus" (or HV). Bacteria can be imported from the bowls or transmitted sexually, like fungi they thrive in alkalinity. If your vaginal acidity is high you'll probably resist the invasion, if not the bacteria will flourish. However this far more common in the United States; it is rarely found in Britain, perhaps because douching is very infrequently done here. Both gonorrhea and syphilis are caused by bacteria. "Toxic shock syndrome is also considered a bacteria infection it's caused by the bacteria staphylococci aurous' which can thrive in the vagina when super-absorbent synthetic tampon are used. Viral infections are among the hardest to treat. Herpes is the most notorious: the kind of herpes associated with genital lesions is 'herpes simples' virus-2 (HSV-2). It's virtually always transmitted through sexual contact. Miscellaneous irritations you can also get a variety of rashes and inflammations; usually from allergies or bad reactions to something being used in, or near, the vagina, for example, a diaphragm left in too long can trigger an inflammation, or you can be allergic to deodorant sanitary towels. These usually clear up when the sources are removed. Most vaginal infections are not life threatening but they should be treated promptly. Left untreated, some can cause complications such as 'cervicitis' an inflammation of the cervix. For the infections that are sexually transmissible, your partner should be treated too even if he has no symptoms, he can re-infect you and is unfortunately, possible to get more than one kind of infection at a time. If your doctor tells you have nonspecific vaginitis, do not accept that as an answer. You need to know which it is to receive proper medication.
How you get vaginities?
Once you figure out what you have got, you probably start wondering why you got it. One possible cause is the arrival of a new organism in the vagina. What brings in these unwelcome visitors? An obvious vehicle is sexual intercourse, which can give you anything from an annoying yeast infection to a serious case of gonorrhoea.But sex is hardly the only source of trouble some problem causing organism inhabit the lower intestine. Wiping yourself the wrong way from back to front after a bowel movement can deliver bacteria or fungi that normally dwell peacefully in the bowl over to the vagina a shifting sanitary towel can also provide transportation.
Careful front to back wiping, daily washing the vulva (the outer vaginal area) daily changes of underwear and frequent changes of sanitary towels all those standard sorts of hygiene measures will go a long way towards preventing this problem.
Wet toilet seats and damp towels can also harbour and spread certain microorganisms. Your own diaphragm, of not properly washed between uses, can bring back an infection you though you'd cleared up. However in many cases, even the arrival of a new microorganism in not enough to start an infection. After all many women who never get vaginities have some of the problem causing microorganism swimming around inside them.It is the ecological balance of the vagina, especially the acid balance that determines whether the spark will blaze on or fizzle and there are all kinds of condition that can make your vagina more or less inflammable. Stress, anxiety and lack of sleep can lower immunity and may even lower vaginal acidity, opening you up to all kinds of infections. Your monthly cycle also affects susceptibility to infection. Cervical mucus is slightly more alkaline when you are most fertile and during menstruation, your vaginal is all most alkaline because the blood that floods the vagina is a sweet alkaline medium. That is one reason many women find that their yeast or Trich symptom escalates during or after their periods.
Pregnancy is also a time when women may suffer more form vaginities, hormonal changes are causing more sugar to be stored in the vaginal cells, increasing alkalinity. The pill can have the same affect. Antibiotics can make you, more prone to vaginities. The problem is that antibiotic kill of the good bacteria the lactobacilli which keep the vagina acidic. They will also kill off the bad bacteria, but antibiotics do not kill fungi, and fungi love alkalinity so they spread like wildfire. Many women find themselves with yeast infections whenever they have to take to antibiotics. Anything that scratches the vaginal walls can cause trouble. A wound can provide bacteria or viruses with safe harbour and feeding ground. You can scratch yourself with anything from a douche nozzle to a tampon applicator. IVDs can also cause infections. The dangling string from the uterus is a bridge that nature did not build. It can bring problem-causing microorganisms from the vagina to the uterus.
Feminine hygiene: - ( Myth)
Feminine hygiene products can throw your vaginal system completely out of kilter. They are not only unnecessary and ineffective, but they can be down right harmful. Feminine hygiene sprays are the worst villanelles. They can cause irritation and inflammation of the delicate tissue in the vulva and vagina. Deodorant tampons and sanitary towels can do the same thing. Deodorant tampons area a particularly worthless idea, since menstrual blood has no odour until it's been outside, in the air. You do not need extra chemicals inside you. The best way to prevent odour is to change underwear and wash the vulva daily, and to change tampons and towels at least two or three times a day.
Coloured toilet papers; bubble baths, scented powders and soaps can also cause allergic reactions and inflammations. Anti-bacterial deodorant soaps can kill off some healthy bacteria and trigger vaginities. Even anti bacterial products for cleaning the bath tub may have the same effect. Another thing that can upset the vaginal ecology is douching.
Far more common in the United States, American women have been programmed by generations of vigorous douchers: their mothers did it, and so did their grand mothers. The normal flow of mucus does a good job of cleaning you out. All you have to do is deep this outside clean.
The right cloths can mean the difference between an organism waxing or waning. A hot, moist environment encourage infections yeast for example so the idea is to deep yourself as cool and dry as possible. Always wear cotton pants, or pants with a cotton crutch and make sure your trousers are loose enough to permit the vaginal area to breathe. Avoid tight jeans and synthetic fibers. Tights are out, unless they have a sewn in crutch. When you are recovering, from vaginities, wear, a cotton night gown & under wear- a cotton night gown will do if you can avoid to sit around in a wet bathing costume, make a quick change to addressing gown or costume, make a quick change to addressing gown or skirt. Powdered natural clay can also keep the vaginal area dry but never use tale.